Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom-based pop group Nuff presents their debut single, “Stars Aligned with You”. Nuff is a music production duo consisting of brothers, Leo and Gary Parry. Their new single “Stars Aligned with You” is a stunning tune that blends elements of commercial pop, easy listening, and soft rock. Delicate guitar melodies, sweeping strings, smooth bass, and cinematic percussion immerses the listener in a sensual soundscape. Soulful vocals, performed by singer, Yasmin, lend a perfect compliment to the tender instrumentation. The track is a testament to the artists’ ability to blend captivating composition with thoughtful songwriting. Nuff’s new single “Stars Aligned with You” is a wondrous love ballad and the perfect addition to any contemporary pop playlist. Learn more about Nuff on Soundcloud and listen to “Stars Aligned with You” below.
“Stars Aligned with You” by Nuff was released to digital streaming platforms on June 7th, 2024 and is now playing on Indie Pop Hits.